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書誌情報1,845,556タイトル 掲載出版社45,820社 

8件中 1~8件を表示

Albors-Llorens, Albertina(著/文), Armstrong, Kenneth A.(著/文), Barnard, Catherine(著/文), Dashwood, Alan(著/文), Gehring, Markus W.(著/文), Odudu, Okeoghene(著/文), Schütze, Robert(著/文), Solanke, Iyiola(著/文), Akman Pinar(著/文), Barber Nicholas(著/文), Bell John(著/文), Boeger Nina(著/文), Boyron Sophie(著/文), Carr Bruce(著/文), Chalmers Damian(著/文), Donnelly Catherine(著/文), Douglas-Scott Sionaidh(著/文), Dyson Matthew(著/文), Gehring Markus(著/文), Hillion Christophe(著/文), Hilson Christopher(著/文), Ibbetson David(著/文), Kilpatrick Claire(著/文), Komarek Jan(著/文), Lianos Ioannis(著/文), Nic Shuibhne Niamh(著/文), Saunders Cheryl(著/文), Schuetze Robert(著/文), The Centre for European Legal Studies(CELS) Cambridge(著/文), Ward Angela(著/文), Whittaker Simon(著/文), Spencer John(著/文)
ISBN 978-1-8411-3752-0  
発行 Hart
奥付の初版発行年月 1999
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2018年6月27日

Irish prose writings : Swift to the literary renaissance

Ross, Martin(著/文), Brown, Terence(著/文), Carleton, William(著/文), Colum, Padraic(著/文), Edgeworth, Maria(著/文), Ferguson, Samuel, Sir(著/文), Gregory, Lady(著/文), Griffin, Gerald(著/文), Kennelly, Brendan(著/文), Kickham, Charles Joseph(著/文), Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan(著/文), Lever, Charles James(著/文), Lover, Samuel(著/文), Mangan, James Clarence(著/文), Maturin, Charles Robert(著/文), Mitchel, John(著/文), Moore, George(著/文), Moran, D. P.(著/文), O'Donoghue, D. J.(著/文), O'Duffy, Eimar(著/文), O'Neill, Eamonn(著/文), Pearse, Padraic(著/文), Russell, George William(著/文), Sheehan, Patrick Augustine(著/文), Somerville, E. Œ.(著/文), Swift, Jonathan(著/文), Synge, John Millington(著/文), Trench, J. Townsend(著/文), Trench, William Steuart(著/文), Yeats, Jack Butler(著/文), Yeats, W. B.(著/文), Ó Conaire, Pádraic(著/文), Johnson Lionel(著/文)
ISBN 978-4-938429-61-4   628, iii .頁
発行 Hon-no-Tomosha
奥付の初版発行年月 1992-01
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2017年3月25日

Cheon Sang Yee(著/文), Clancy Patricia M.(著/文), Clancy Patricia(著/文), Cook Haruko Minegishi (University of Hawaii at Manoa)(著/文), Frellesvig Bjarke(著/文), Grzelak Szymon(著/文), Haig John(著/文), Hoji Hajime (University of Southern California)(著/文), Hudson Mutsuko Endo(著/文), Iwasaki Shoichi(著/文), Jones Kimberley(著/文), Jun Jongho(著/文), Jun Sun-Ah(著/文), Kinuhata Tomohide(著/文), Ko Heejeong(著/文), McClure William T.(著/文), McGloin Naomi H.(著/文), Mori Junko(著/文), Nagai Kayo(著/文), Nakayama Mineharu(著/文), Nam Seungho(著/文), O'Grady William(著/文), Quinn Jr Charles J.(著/文), Sells Peter(著/文), Serafim Leon Angelo(著/文), Sohn Sung-Ock(著/文), Strauss Susan(著/文), Takubo Y.(著/文), Takubo Yukinori(著/文), etc.(著/文), Akatsuka Noriko(著/文)
ISBN 978-1-575-86520-1  
発行 Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University
奥付の初版発行年月 1990
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2020年1月18日

Choi, Soonja(著/文), Clancy, Patricia Marie(著/文), Dikken, Marcel den(著/文), Haig, John H(著/文), Hoji, Hajime(著/文), Iwasaki, Shōichi(著/文), Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference(著/文), Jones, Kimberly(著/文), McCawley, Noriko Akatsuka(著/文), McClure, William(著/文), McGloin, Naomi Hanaoka(著/文), Quinn, Charles J.(著/文), Silva, David J.(著/文), Sohn, Ho-Min(著/文), Sohn, Sung-Ock S.(著/文), Southern California Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference(著/文), Stanford Linguistics Association(著/文), Stanford University. Center for the Study of Language and Information(著/文), Strauss, Susan H.(著/文), Vance, Timothy J(著/文), 中山 峰治(著/文), 永井 佳代(著/文), 田窪 行則(著/文), 衣畑 智秀(著/文), Cheon Sang Yee(著/文), Clancy Patricia M.(著/文), Clancy Patricia(著/文), Cook Haruko Minegishi (University of Hawaii at Manoa)(著/文), Frellesvig Bjarke(著/文), Grzelak Szymon(著/文), Haig John(著/文), Hoji Hajime (University of Southern California)(著/文), Hudson Mutsuko Endo(著/文), Iwasaki Shoichi(著/文), Jones Kimberley(著/文), Jun Jongho(著/文), Jun Sun-Ah(著/文), Kinuhata Tomohide(著/文), Ko Heejeong(著/文), McClure William T.(著/文), McGloin Naomi H.(著/文), Mori Junko(著/文), Nagai Kayo(著/文), Nakayama Mineharu(著/文), Nam Seungho(著/文), O'Grady William(著/文), Quinn Jr Charles J.(著/文), Sells Peter(著/文), Serafim Leon Angelo(著/文), Sohn Sung-Ock(著/文), Strauss Susan(著/文), Takubo Y.(著/文), Takubo Yukinori(著/文), etc.(著/文), Akatsuka Noriko(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-937073-56-8  
発行 Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University
奥付の初版発行年月 1990
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2018年3月17日

Choi, Soonja(著/文), Clancy, Patricia Marie(著/文), Dikken, Marcel den(著/文), Haig, John H(著/文), Hoji, Hajime(著/文), Iwasaki, Shōichi(著/文), Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference(著/文), Jones, Kimberly(著/文), McCawley, Noriko Akatsuka(著/文), McClure, William(著/文), McGloin, Naomi Hanaoka(著/文), Quinn, Charles J.(著/文), Silva, David J.(著/文), Sohn, Ho-Min(著/文), Sohn, Sung-Ock S.(著/文), Southern California Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference(著/文), Stanford Linguistics Association(著/文), Stanford University. Center for the Study of Language and Information(著/文), Strauss, Susan H.(著/文), Vance, Timothy J(著/文), 中山 峰治(著/文), 永井 佳代(著/文), 田窪 行則(著/文), 衣畑 智秀(著/文), Cheon Sang Yee(著/文), Clancy Patricia M.(著/文), Clancy Patricia(著/文), Cook Haruko Minegishi (University of Hawaii at Manoa)(著/文), Frellesvig Bjarke(著/文), Grzelak Szymon(著/文), Haig John(著/文), Hoji Hajime (University of Southern California)(著/文), Hudson Mutsuko Endo(著/文), Iwasaki Shoichi(著/文), Jones Kimberley(著/文), Jun Jongho(著/文), Jun Sun-Ah(著/文), Kinuhata Tomohide(著/文), Ko Heejeong(著/文), McClure William T.(著/文), McGloin Naomi H.(著/文), Mori Junko(著/文), Nagai Kayo(著/文), Nakayama Mineharu(著/文), Nam Seungho(著/文), O'Grady William(著/文), Quinn Jr Charles J.(著/文), Sells Peter(著/文), Serafim Leon Angelo(著/文), Sohn Sung-Ock(著/文), Strauss Susan(著/文), Takubo Y.(著/文), Takubo Yukinori(著/文), etc.(著/文), Akatsuka Noriko(著/文)
ISBN 978-1-575-86045-9  
発行 Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University
奥付の初版発行年月 1990
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2018年1月21日

A Specialist periodical report

Webb, G. A.(著/文), Aliev A. E.(著/文), Arnold J.R.P.(著/文), Dios Angel C. De(著/文), Fawcett Allan H(著/文), Fisher Julie(著/文), Fukui Hiroyuki(著/文), Harris Kenneth D.M.(著/文), Jameson Cynthia J.(著/文), Jaroslaw Jazwinski(著/文), Kamienska-Trela Krystyna(著/文), Khan Ali(著/文), Khetrapal C. L.(著/文), Kowalewski Jozef(著/文), Kuroki Shigeki(著/文), Kurosu Hiromichi(著/文), Law Robert V.(著/文), Lian Lu Yun(著/文), Ludwig Ralf(著/文), Matthews S.J.(著/文), Mlynarski Jacek(著/文), Paduano Luigi(著/文), Prior Malcolm J. W.(著/文), Ramanathan K.V.(著/文), Schilf Wojciech(著/文), Shallis Peter W.(著/文), Sharp Robert(著/文), Simpson Pete J.(著/文), Smith Mark E.(著/文), Watanabe T.(著/文), Watanabe Tokuko(著/文), Weingartner H.(著/文), Wojcik Jacek(著/文), Yamaguchi Masaharu(著/文), Webb G. A. Professor(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-85186-352-8  
発行 Royal Society of Chemistry
奥付の初版発行年月 1979
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2017年12月13日

The best American series

Atwood, Margaret Eleanor(著/文), Beattie, Ann(著/文), Calisher, Hortense(著/文), Carver, Raymond(著/文), Chabon, Michael(著/文), Doctorow, E. L(著/文), Elkin, Stanley(著/文), Erdrich, Louise(著/文), Ford, Richard(著/文), Godwin, Gail(著/文), Helprin, Mark(著/文), Keillor, Garrison(著/文), Kenison, Katrina(著/文), Kingsolver, Barbara(著/文), Miller, Sue(著/文), Patchett, Ann(著/文), Proulx, Annie(著/文), Ravenel, Shannon(著/文), Rushdie, Salman(著/文), Smiley, Jane(著/文), Tan, Amy(著/文), Wideman, John Edgar(著/文), Wolff, Tobias(著/文), Brooks Geraldine(著/文), King Stephen(著/文), Moore Lorrie(著/文), Pitlor Heidi(著/文), Russo Richard(著/文), Sebold Alice(著/文), Strout Elizabeth(著/文), Stone Robert(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-395-29446-8   v.頁
発行 Houghton Mifflin
奥付の初版発行年月 1979-
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年5月11日

The collected works of James Clarence Mangan

Chuto, Jacques(著/文), Mangan, James Clarence(著/文), Holzapfel R.P.(著/文), Holzapfel(著/文), Kamp P. Van Der(著/文), MacMahon P.(著/文), MacMahon(著/文), Osnodaigh P.(著/文), Shannon-Mangan E(著/文), Shannon-Mangan(著/文), etc.(著/文)
ISBN 978-0--71652556-1   4 v.頁
発行 Irish Academic Press
奥付の初版発行年月 c1996-1999
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年3月2日

8件中 1~8件を表示