リストで表示/テキストで表示Aldo, G. R.(著/文), Bassani, Giorgio(著/文), Cecchi D'Amico, Suso(著/文), Escoffier, Marcel(著/文), Girotti, Massimo(著/文), Granger, Farley(著/文), Krasker, Robert(著/文), Prosperi, Giorgio(著/文), Scotti, Ottavio(著/文), Serandrei, Mario(著/文), Valli, Alida(著/文), Visconti, Luchino(著/文), 柳沢 一博(著/文), スーゾ・チェッキ・ダミーコほか, ルキーノ・ヴィスコンティ監督・(企画/原案), カミッロ・ボーイト(著/文)
ISBN 978-4-87766-508-1
発行 紀伊國屋書店
奥付の初版発行年月 2006-09
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2017年10月20日
Abingdon Press(著/文), Achtemeier Elizabeth Rice(著/文), Allen Leslie C(著/文), Bartlett David L.(著/文), Berlin Adele (University of Maryland)(著/文), Black C. Clifton(著/文), Clements Ronald E(著/文), Coote Robert B(著/文), Craddock Fred B.(著/文), Craven Toni(著/文), Crawford Sidnie A White(著/文), Dozeman Professor of Old Testament Thomas B PhD (United Theological Seminary (Ohio))(著/文), Duran Robert(著/文), Gundry-Volf Judith(著/文), Hayes Richard(著/文), Hooker Morna D.(著/文), Johnson Luke Timothy(著/文), Keck Leander E.(著/文), Keck Leander E(著/文), Klein Ralph W(著/文), Lincoln Andrew T.(著/文), Murphy Frederick J(著/文), Newsom Professor in the Candler School of Theology Carol (Charles Howard Candler Professor of Old Testament Emory University Emory University Atlanta)(著/文), Nowell Irene OSB PhD(著/文), Nowell Irene(著/文), Olson Dennis T(著/文), Rowland Christopher C.(著/文), Sampley J.Paul(著/文), Seow Choon-Leong(著/文), Smith-Christopher Daniel (Loyola Marymount University)(著/文), Watson Duane F.(著/文), Yee Gale(著/文), Abingdon(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-687-27814-5 13頁
発行 Abingdon Press
奥付の初版発行年月 1994
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2018年6月22日
Albini, Angelo(著/文), Allen, Norman S.(著/文), Bryce-Smith, D.(著/文), Gilbert, Andrew(著/文), Bonchio Marcella(著/文), Budac David(著/文), Conley Willard(著/文), Coppo Paulo(著/文), Cox Alan(著/文), Cundall R. B.(著/文), Dondi Daniele(著/文), Dunkin Iain(著/文), Dunkin Ian(著/文), Fasani E.(著/文), Fausto Rui(著/文), Galoppini Elena(著/文), Geraghty Niall(著/文), Gilbert A.(著/文), Harbron Elizabeth(著/文), Harriman A (Tony)(著/文), Horspool William M.(著/文), Inoue Haruo(著/文), Johnston Linda J.(著/文), Kalyanasundaram K.(著/文), Kidd Robert(著/文), Liu Ya-Jun(著/文), Maldotti Andrea(著/文), Mazzucato U.(著/文), Meech Stephen(著/文), Miranda Miguel A.(著/文), Misawa Hiroaki(著/文), Mizuno Kazuhiko(著/文), Pratt Albert C.(著/文), Puntoriero Fausto(著/文), Reid S.T.(著/文), Romani Aldo(著/文), Seixas de Melo J. Sergio(著/文), Serpone Nick(著/文), Shallis Peter W.(著/文), Sim Pauline(著/文), Tsuno Takashi(著/文), Weedon Alan C.(著/文), etc.(著/文), Smith D.Bryce-(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-85186-095-4
発行 Royal Society of Chemistry
奥付の初版発行年月 1969
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2017年12月22日
Erasmus, Desiderius(著/文), Steenbeek, Andrea W.(著/文), Augustijn Cornelis(著/文), Bartelink G.J.M.(著/文), Bene C.(著/文), Bierlaire F.(著/文), Branca Vittore(著/文), Brown A. J.(著/文), Brown Andrew J.(著/文), Chomarat J.(著/文), Cytowska M.(著/文), De Jonge H J.(著/文), Domanski J(著/文), Dresden S.(著/文), Erasmus B.J.B.(著/文), Godin A.(著/文), Heesakkers C.L.(著/文), Heiniman Felix(著/文), Heinimann F.?(著/文), Heinimann F.(著/文), Hoven R.(著/文), Hovingh P F(著/文), Kearns E.(著/文), Kienzle Emanuel(著/文), Knott B.I.(著/文), Margolin Jean-Claude(著/文), McConica J.K.(著/文), McCormack Tim (university of Melbourne Australia University of Melbourne Australia)(著/文), Menchi S. Seidel(著/文), Mout M.E.H.N.(著/文), Phillips M. Mann(著/文), Poel M.G.M. van der(著/文), Poll-van de Lisdonk M.L. van(著/文), ROBINSON C(著/文), Rabbie Edwin(著/文), Rademaker C. S. M.(著/文), Rummel Erika(著/文), Simpson Gerry (London School of Economics and Political Science Kenneth Bailey Chair of International Law University of Melbourne Kenneth Bailey Chair of International Law University of Melbourne Kenneth Bailey Chair of International Law University of Melbourne)(著/文), Steenbeek A.W.(著/文), Stupperich R.(著/文), Tanaka Yuki(著/文), Trapman J(著/文), Van Heck A(著/文), Waszink J.H.(著/文), Weiler A.G.(著/文), Wesseling A.(著/文), etc.(著/文), ter Meer Tineke L.(著/文), van Poll-Van de Lisdonk M.(著/文), Akkerman F.(著/文)
ISBN 978-0--72046151-0 v.頁
発行 North-Holland
奥付の初版発行年月 1969-
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年10月21日