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書誌情報1,822,809タイトル 掲載出版社45,722社 

13件中 1~13件を表示

Bietoletti, Silvestra(著/文), Capretti, Elena(著/文), Chiarini, Marco(著/文), Cresti, Carlo(著/文), Giusti, Anna Maria(著/文), Paolucci, Antonio(著/文), Scalini, Mario(著/文), 森田 義之(翻訳), 芳野 明(翻訳), 谷古宇 尚(翻訳), 野村 幸弘(翻訳), Morandi Clarissa(著/文), Tarruferi angelo(著/文), Tartuferi Angelo(著/文), キアリーニ マルコ(著/文), クレスティ カルロ(著/文), スカリーニ マリオ(著/文), タルトゥーフェリ アンジェロ(著/文), 鳥海 秀実(翻訳), パオルッチ アントニオ(著/文)
ISBN 978-4-89013-719-0   535頁
発行 西村書店
奥付の初版発行年月 2015-05
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2015年8月20日

Oñati international series in law and society

Foblets, Marie-Claire(著/文), Renteln, Alison Dundes(著/文), Amirthalingam Kumaralingam(著/文), Bronitt Simon(著/文), Carstens Pieter A.(著/文), Caughey John(著/文), Chen Cher Weixia(著/文), Deckha Maneesha(著/文), Kusters Joke(著/文), Maier Sylvia(著/文), Sebastia Cesar Arjona(著/文), Truffin Barbara(著/文), Woodman Gordon R.(著/文), Renteln Alison(著/文)
ISBN 978-1-8411-3895-4   xiv, 378 .頁
発行 Hart
奥付の初版発行年月 2009-01
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年5月9日

Monitoring the European Central Bank

Alesina, Alberto(著/文), Centre for Economic Policy Research(著/文), Citibank(著/文), Alesina Alberto F.(著/文), Blanchard Olivier(著/文), Gali Jordi(著/文), Giavazzi Francesco(著/文), Gruppo Monte Paschi Asset Management(著/文), Uhlig Harald(著/文), MPS Finance Banca Mobiliare(著/文)
ISBN 978-1-89812-859-5  
発行 Centre for Economic Policy Research
奥付の初版発行年月 2001
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2017年11月2日

Synthese library

Giuntini, Roberto(著/文), Dalla Chiara Maria Luisa(著/文), Guintini Roberto (University of Cagliari Italy)(著/文), Laudisa Federico(著/文), Laudisa Frederico (University of Florence Italy)(著/文), International Congress of Logic Methodology and Philosophy of Science (10th : 1995 : Florence Italy)(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-7923-5727-8   viii, 338 .頁
発行 Kluwer Academic
奥付の初版発行年月 1999-01
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2017年3月3日

Malia, Martin E.(著/文), Malia, Martin Edward(著/文), 白須 英子(翻訳), Malia Martin(著/文), メイリア マーティン(著/文)
ISBN 978-4-7942-0748-7   450頁
発行 草思社
奥付の初版発行年月 1997-03
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年4月16日


Bioy Casares, Adolfo(著/文), Cortázar, Julio(著/文), Donoso, José(著/文), Elizondo, Salvador(著/文), Fuentes, Carlos(著/文), García Márquez, Gabriel(著/文), Hernández, Felisberto(著/文), Ibargüengoitia, Jorge(著/文), Monterroso, Augusto(著/文), Mujica Lainez, Manuel(著/文), Pacheco, José Emilio(著/文), Paz, Octavio(著/文), Quiroga, Horacio(著/文), Reyes, Alfonso(著/文), Ribeyro, Julio Ramón(著/文), Rulfo, Juan(著/文), 木村 栄一(著/文), Rojas Sepúlveda Manuel(著/文), ガルシア‐マルケス(著/文)
ISBN 978-4-8288-5713-8   310頁
発行 福武書店
奥付の初版発行年月 1995-03
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2017年10月19日

Choi, Soonja(著/文), Clancy, Patricia Marie(著/文), Dikken, Marcel den(著/文), Haig, John H(著/文), Hoji, Hajime(著/文), Iwasaki, Shōichi(著/文), Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference(著/文), Jones, Kimberly(著/文), McCawley, Noriko Akatsuka(著/文), McClure, William(著/文), McGloin, Naomi Hanaoka(著/文), Quinn, Charles J.(著/文), Silva, David J.(著/文), Sohn, Ho-Min(著/文), Sohn, Sung-Ock S.(著/文), Southern California Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference(著/文), Stanford Linguistics Association(著/文), Stanford University. Center for the Study of Language and Information(著/文), Strauss, Susan H.(著/文), Vance, Timothy J(著/文), 中山 峰治(著/文), 永井 佳代(著/文), 田窪 行則(著/文), 衣畑 智秀(著/文), Cheon Sang Yee(著/文), Clancy Patricia M.(著/文), Clancy Patricia(著/文), Cook Haruko Minegishi (University of Hawaii at Manoa)(著/文), Frellesvig Bjarke(著/文), Grzelak Szymon(著/文), Haig John(著/文), Hoji Hajime (University of Southern California)(著/文), Hudson Mutsuko Endo(著/文), Iwasaki Shoichi(著/文), Jones Kimberley(著/文), Jun Jongho(著/文), Jun Sun-Ah(著/文), Kinuhata Tomohide(著/文), Ko Heejeong(著/文), McClure William T.(著/文), McGloin Naomi H.(著/文), Mori Junko(著/文), Nagai Kayo(著/文), Nakayama Mineharu(著/文), Nam Seungho(著/文), O'Grady William(著/文), Quinn Jr Charles J.(著/文), Sells Peter(著/文), Serafim Leon Angelo(著/文), Sohn Sung-Ock(著/文), Strauss Susan(著/文), Takubo Y.(著/文), Takubo Yukinori(著/文), etc.(著/文), Akatsuka Noriko(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-937073-56-8  
発行 Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University
奥付の初版発行年月 1990
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2018年3月17日

Choi, Soonja(著/文), Clancy, Patricia Marie(著/文), Dikken, Marcel den(著/文), Haig, John H(著/文), Hoji, Hajime(著/文), Iwasaki, Shōichi(著/文), Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference(著/文), Jones, Kimberly(著/文), McCawley, Noriko Akatsuka(著/文), McClure, William(著/文), McGloin, Naomi Hanaoka(著/文), Quinn, Charles J.(著/文), Silva, David J.(著/文), Sohn, Ho-Min(著/文), Sohn, Sung-Ock S.(著/文), Southern California Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference(著/文), Stanford Linguistics Association(著/文), Stanford University. Center for the Study of Language and Information(著/文), Strauss, Susan H.(著/文), Vance, Timothy J(著/文), 中山 峰治(著/文), 永井 佳代(著/文), 田窪 行則(著/文), 衣畑 智秀(著/文), Cheon Sang Yee(著/文), Clancy Patricia M.(著/文), Clancy Patricia(著/文), Cook Haruko Minegishi (University of Hawaii at Manoa)(著/文), Frellesvig Bjarke(著/文), Grzelak Szymon(著/文), Haig John(著/文), Hoji Hajime (University of Southern California)(著/文), Hudson Mutsuko Endo(著/文), Iwasaki Shoichi(著/文), Jones Kimberley(著/文), Jun Jongho(著/文), Jun Sun-Ah(著/文), Kinuhata Tomohide(著/文), Ko Heejeong(著/文), McClure William T.(著/文), McGloin Naomi H.(著/文), Mori Junko(著/文), Nagai Kayo(著/文), Nakayama Mineharu(著/文), Nam Seungho(著/文), O'Grady William(著/文), Quinn Jr Charles J.(著/文), Sells Peter(著/文), Serafim Leon Angelo(著/文), Sohn Sung-Ock(著/文), Strauss Susan(著/文), Takubo Y.(著/文), Takubo Yukinori(著/文), etc.(著/文), Akatsuka Noriko(著/文)
ISBN 978-1-575-86045-9  
発行 Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University
奥付の初版発行年月 1990
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2018年1月21日

Archbold Patricia(著/文), Bialous Stella Aguinaga(著/文), Couig Mary Pat(著/文), Debisette Annette(著/文), Fitzpatrick Joyce(著/文), Goeppinger Jean(著/文), Holditch-Davis Diane(著/文), Kasper Christine E.(著/文), Kelley Patricia(著/文), Pepper Ginette A.(著/文), Porter Cornelia P.(著/文), Sarna Linda(著/文), Smith Barbara(著/文), Sommers Marilyn Sawyer(著/文), Stevenson Joanne S.(著/文), Stone Patricia(著/文), Taylor Diana(著/文), Vessey Judith A.(著/文), Villarruel Antonia M.(著/文), Walker Patricia Hinton(著/文), Werley Harriet(著/文), Wysocki Kenneth J.(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-8261-4350-1  
発行 Springer Pub. Co.
奥付の初版発行年月 1984
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2019年4月26日

Archbold Patricia(著/文), Bialous Stella Aguinaga(著/文), Couig Mary Pat(著/文), Debisette Annette(著/文), Fitzpatrick Joyce(著/文), Goeppinger Jean(著/文), Holditch-Davis Diane(著/文), Kasper Christine E.(著/文), Kelley Patricia(著/文), Pepper Ginette A.(著/文), Porter Cornelia P.(著/文), Sarna Linda(著/文), Smith Barbara(著/文), Sommers Marilyn Sawyer(著/文), Stevenson Joanne S.(著/文), Stone Patricia(著/文), Taylor Diana(著/文), Vessey Judith A.(著/文), Villarruel Antonia M.(著/文), Walker Patricia Hinton(著/文), Werley Harriet(著/文), Wysocki Kenneth J.(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-8261-8235-7  
発行 Springer Pub. Co.
奥付の初版発行年月 1984
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2018年9月19日

A Specialist periodical report

Albini, Angelo(著/文), Allen, Norman S.(著/文), Bryce-Smith, D.(著/文), Gilbert, Andrew(著/文), Bonchio Marcella(著/文), Budac David(著/文), Conley Willard(著/文), Coppo Paulo(著/文), Cox Alan(著/文), Cundall R. B.(著/文), Dondi Daniele(著/文), Dunkin Iain(著/文), Dunkin Ian(著/文), Fasani E.(著/文), Fausto Rui(著/文), Galoppini Elena(著/文), Geraghty Niall(著/文), Gilbert A.(著/文), Harbron Elizabeth(著/文), Harriman A (Tony)(著/文), Horspool William M.(著/文), Inoue Haruo(著/文), Johnston Linda J.(著/文), Kalyanasundaram K.(著/文), Kidd Robert(著/文), Liu Ya-Jun(著/文), Maldotti Andrea(著/文), Mazzucato U.(著/文), Meech Stephen(著/文), Miranda Miguel A.(著/文), Misawa Hiroaki(著/文), Mizuno Kazuhiko(著/文), Pratt Albert C.(著/文), Puntoriero Fausto(著/文), Reid S.T.(著/文), Romani Aldo(著/文), Seixas de Melo J. Sergio(著/文), Serpone Nick(著/文), Shallis Peter W.(著/文), Sim Pauline(著/文), Tsuno Takashi(著/文), Weedon Alan C.(著/文), etc.(著/文), Smith D.Bryce-(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-85186-095-4  
発行 Royal Society of Chemistry
奥付の初版発行年月 1969
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2017年12月22日

Erasmus, Desiderius(著/文), Steenbeek, Andrea W.(著/文), Augustijn Cornelis(著/文), Bartelink G.J.M.(著/文), Bene C.(著/文), Bierlaire F.(著/文), Branca Vittore(著/文), Brown A. J.(著/文), Brown Andrew J.(著/文), Chomarat J.(著/文), Cytowska M.(著/文), De Jonge H J.(著/文), Domanski J(著/文), Dresden S.(著/文), Erasmus B.J.B.(著/文), Godin A.(著/文), Heesakkers C.L.(著/文), Heiniman Felix(著/文), Heinimann F.?(著/文), Heinimann F.(著/文), Hoven R.(著/文), Hovingh P F(著/文), Kearns E.(著/文), Kienzle Emanuel(著/文), Knott B.I.(著/文), Margolin Jean-Claude(著/文), McConica J.K.(著/文), McCormack Tim (university of Melbourne Australia University of Melbourne Australia)(著/文), Menchi S. Seidel(著/文), Mout M.E.H.N.(著/文), Phillips M. Mann(著/文), Poel M.G.M. van der(著/文), Poll-van de Lisdonk M.L. van(著/文), ROBINSON C(著/文), Rabbie Edwin(著/文), Rademaker C. S. M.(著/文), Rummel Erika(著/文), Simpson Gerry (London School of Economics and Political Science Kenneth Bailey Chair of International Law University of Melbourne Kenneth Bailey Chair of International Law University of Melbourne Kenneth Bailey Chair of International Law University of Melbourne)(著/文), Steenbeek A.W.(著/文), Stupperich R.(著/文), Tanaka Yuki(著/文), Trapman J(著/文), Van Heck A(著/文), Waszink J.H.(著/文), Weiler A.G.(著/文), Wesseling A.(著/文), etc.(著/文), ter Meer Tineke L.(著/文), van Poll-Van de Lisdonk M.(著/文), Akkerman F.(著/文)
ISBN 978-0--72046151-0   v.頁
発行 North-Holland
奥付の初版発行年月 1969-
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年10月21日

Rubin, Don(著/文), Brisbane Katharine(著/文), Brown Irving(著/文), Chaturvedi Ravi(著/文), Diakhate Ousmane(著/文), Eyoh Hansel Ndumbe(著/文), Holmberg Arthur(著/文), Majumdar Ramendu (Bangladesh Centre of the International Theatre Institute Bangladesh)(著/文), Maleh Ghassan(著/文), Ohan Farouk(著/文), Pong Chua Soo (Chinese Opera Institute Singapore)(著/文), Rappaport Natasha(著/文), Rouyer Philippe(著/文), Sarhan Samir(著/文), Solorzano Carlos(著/文), Tanokura Minoru(著/文), Wang Rosabel(著/文), Zaki Ahmed(著/文), etc.(著/文), Nagy Peter(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-415-05928-2   6 v.頁
発行 Routledge
奥付の初版発行年月 1994-2000
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年6月6日

13件中 1~13件を表示