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書誌情報1,828,891タイトル 掲載出版社45,751社 

2件中 1~2件を表示
Hibernia : literature and nation in Victorian Ireland

Kickham, Charles Joseph(著/文), Kelly John (Fellow and Tutor in English St John's College Oxford)(著/文), Kelly John(著/文), Kickham Charles J.(著/文)
ISBN 978-1-85477-225-1   41, 628 .頁
発行 Woodstock Books
奥付の初版発行年月 2002-01
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年3月3日

Irish prose writings : Swift to the literary renaissance

Ross, Martin(著/文), Brown, Terence(著/文), Carleton, William(著/文), Colum, Padraic(著/文), Edgeworth, Maria(著/文), Ferguson, Samuel, Sir(著/文), Gregory, Lady(著/文), Griffin, Gerald(著/文), Kennelly, Brendan(著/文), Kickham, Charles Joseph(著/文), Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan(著/文), Lever, Charles James(著/文), Lover, Samuel(著/文), Mangan, James Clarence(著/文), Maturin, Charles Robert(著/文), Mitchel, John(著/文), Moore, George(著/文), Moran, D. P.(著/文), O'Donoghue, D. J.(著/文), O'Duffy, Eimar(著/文), O'Neill, Eamonn(著/文), Pearse, Padraic(著/文), Russell, George William(著/文), Sheehan, Patrick Augustine(著/文), Somerville, E. Œ.(著/文), Swift, Jonathan(著/文), Synge, John Millington(著/文), Trench, J. Townsend(著/文), Trench, William Steuart(著/文), Yeats, Jack Butler(著/文), Yeats, W. B.(著/文), Ó Conaire, Pádraic(著/文), Johnson Lionel(著/文)
ISBN 978-4-938429-61-4   628, iii .頁
発行 Hon-no-Tomosha
奥付の初版発行年月 1992-01
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2017年3月25日

2件中 1~2件を表示