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書誌情報1,846,268タイトル 掲載出版社45,824社 

15件中 1~15件を表示

Kleypas, Lisa(著/文), Anderson Catherine(著/文), Chase Loretta(著/文), Woodiwiss Kathleen E.(著/文), アンダーソン キャサリン(著/文), ウッディウィス キャスリーン・E.(著/文), チェイス ロレッタ(著/文), 坂本 あおい(翻訳), クレイパス リサ(著/文)
ISBN 978-4-8019-0222-0   526頁
発行 竹書房
奥付の初版発行年月 2015-03
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年9月9日

Andersen, Christopher P(著/文), 前田 和男(翻訳), Andersen Christopher(著/文), アンダーセン クリストファー(著/文)
ISBN 978-4-8284-1776-9   399頁
発行 ビジネス社
奥付の初版発行年月 2014-11
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年9月8日

Behringer Richard PH.D. (MD Anderson Cancer Center University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center MD Anderson Cancer Center)(著/文), Gertsenstein Marina (Toronto Centre for Phengenomics Transgenic Core and Specialty Resources)(著/文), Nagy Andras (Sameul Lunenfeld Research Institute Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto)(著/文), Nagy Kristina (Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto)(著/文)
ISBN 978-1-936113-01-9  
発行 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
奥付の初版発行年月 2014
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2020年2月4日

Brill's new Pauly

Bruss, Jon Steffen(著/文), Buck, Simon(著/文), Cancik, Hubert(著/文), Chronopoulos, Tina(著/文), Derlien, Jochen(著/文), Egger, B.(著/文), Möller, Astrid(著/文), Orton, David E.(著/文), Ruppel, Antonia(著/文), Salazar, Christine F.(著/文), Schneider, Helmuth(著/文), Smart, Duncan(著/文), Warburton, David(著/文), Alexander Duncan(著/文), Cancik Hubert (Professor of Latin University of Tubingen Germany)(著/文), Egger Brigitte(著/文), Landfester Manfred (Professor of Greek University of Gieben)(著/文), Landfester Manfred (Professor of Greek University of Giessen Germany)(著/文), Moller Astrid(著/文), Salazar Christine F. (Affiliated Research Scholar University of Cambridge)(著/文), Schneider H.(著/文), Schneider Helmuth (Professor of Ancient History University of Kassel Germany)(著/文), Bachmann Cordula(著/文)
ISBN 978-9-00-414216-9  
発行 Brill
奥付の初版発行年月 2002
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2018年6月5日

Andersen Consulting(著/文), Carnegie-Mellon University. Software Engineering Institute(著/文), アンダーセンコンサルティング(監修), カーネギーメロン大学(著/文), Software Engineering Institute(著/文), Carnegie Mellon University(著/文)
ISBN 978-4-274-07867-5   374頁
発行 オーム社
奥付の初版発行年月 1998-08
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年6月19日

Annals of communism

Anderson Kyrill M. (Director Russian Centre for the Preservation and Study of Documents of Recent History Russia)(著/文), Haynes John Earl (20th-Century Political Historian Library of Congress USA)(著/文), etc.(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-300-07150-4  
発行 Yale University Press
奥付の初版発行年月 1998
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2019年8月8日

Oman, Ray(著/文), Brown David S. (Professor Emeritus of Management George Washington University USA)(著/文), Damours Steve (Senior Management Analyst US Department of State USA)(著/文), Smith T. Arthur (President Management Analysis Incorporated USA)(著/文), Uscher Andrew R. (Division Chief and Senior Management Analyst Office of the Secretary of Defense The Pentagon USA)(著/文), etc.(著/文), Oman Ray C.(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-89930-403-8   xvi, 207 .頁
発行 Quorum Books
奥付の初版発行年月 1992-01
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年6月20日

Andersen Consulting(編集), アンダーセンコンサルティング(編集), 若杉 敬明(監修)
ISBN 978-4-502-11852-4   262頁
発行 中央経済社
奥付の初版発行年月 1991-06
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年5月12日

Choi, Soonja(著/文), Clancy, Patricia Marie(著/文), Dikken, Marcel den(著/文), Haig, John H(著/文), Hoji, Hajime(著/文), Iwasaki, Shōichi(著/文), Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference(著/文), Jones, Kimberly(著/文), McCawley, Noriko Akatsuka(著/文), McClure, William(著/文), McGloin, Naomi Hanaoka(著/文), Quinn, Charles J.(著/文), Silva, David J.(著/文), Sohn, Ho-Min(著/文), Sohn, Sung-Ock S.(著/文), Southern California Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference(著/文), Stanford Linguistics Association(著/文), Stanford University. Center for the Study of Language and Information(著/文), Strauss, Susan H.(著/文), Vance, Timothy J(著/文), 中山 峰治(著/文), 永井 佳代(著/文), 田窪 行則(著/文), 衣畑 智秀(著/文), Cheon Sang Yee(著/文), Clancy Patricia M.(著/文), Clancy Patricia(著/文), Cook Haruko Minegishi (University of Hawaii at Manoa)(著/文), Frellesvig Bjarke(著/文), Grzelak Szymon(著/文), Haig John(著/文), Hoji Hajime (University of Southern California)(著/文), Hudson Mutsuko Endo(著/文), Iwasaki Shoichi(著/文), Jones Kimberley(著/文), Jun Jongho(著/文), Jun Sun-Ah(著/文), Kinuhata Tomohide(著/文), Ko Heejeong(著/文), McClure William T.(著/文), McGloin Naomi H.(著/文), Mori Junko(著/文), Nagai Kayo(著/文), Nakayama Mineharu(著/文), Nam Seungho(著/文), O'Grady William(著/文), Quinn Jr Charles J.(著/文), Sells Peter(著/文), Serafim Leon Angelo(著/文), Sohn Sung-Ock(著/文), Strauss Susan(著/文), Takubo Y.(著/文), Takubo Yukinori(著/文), etc.(著/文), Akatsuka Noriko(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-937073-56-8  
発行 Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University
奥付の初版発行年月 1990
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2018年3月17日

Choi, Soonja(著/文), Clancy, Patricia Marie(著/文), Dikken, Marcel den(著/文), Haig, John H(著/文), Hoji, Hajime(著/文), Iwasaki, Shōichi(著/文), Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference(著/文), Jones, Kimberly(著/文), McCawley, Noriko Akatsuka(著/文), McClure, William(著/文), McGloin, Naomi Hanaoka(著/文), Quinn, Charles J.(著/文), Silva, David J.(著/文), Sohn, Ho-Min(著/文), Sohn, Sung-Ock S.(著/文), Southern California Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference(著/文), Stanford Linguistics Association(著/文), Stanford University. Center for the Study of Language and Information(著/文), Strauss, Susan H.(著/文), Vance, Timothy J(著/文), 中山 峰治(著/文), 永井 佳代(著/文), 田窪 行則(著/文), 衣畑 智秀(著/文), Cheon Sang Yee(著/文), Clancy Patricia M.(著/文), Clancy Patricia(著/文), Cook Haruko Minegishi (University of Hawaii at Manoa)(著/文), Frellesvig Bjarke(著/文), Grzelak Szymon(著/文), Haig John(著/文), Hoji Hajime (University of Southern California)(著/文), Hudson Mutsuko Endo(著/文), Iwasaki Shoichi(著/文), Jones Kimberley(著/文), Jun Jongho(著/文), Jun Sun-Ah(著/文), Kinuhata Tomohide(著/文), Ko Heejeong(著/文), McClure William T.(著/文), McGloin Naomi H.(著/文), Mori Junko(著/文), Nagai Kayo(著/文), Nakayama Mineharu(著/文), Nam Seungho(著/文), O'Grady William(著/文), Quinn Jr Charles J.(著/文), Sells Peter(著/文), Serafim Leon Angelo(著/文), Sohn Sung-Ock(著/文), Strauss Susan(著/文), Takubo Y.(著/文), Takubo Yukinori(著/文), etc.(著/文), Akatsuka Noriko(著/文)
ISBN 978-1-575-86045-9  
発行 Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University
奥付の初版発行年月 1990
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2018年1月21日

Ahnert-Hilger G.(著/文), Aktories Klaus(著/文), Amara S Ed(著/文), Amara S G Ed(著/文), Amara S G(著/文), Amara S.G.(著/文), Amara Susan G.(著/文), Amara Susan G(著/文), Andersen C.(著/文), Apell H.-J.(著/文), Arner A.(著/文), Bamberg E.(著/文), Bamberg E(著/文), Bertrand D.(著/文), Biel M(著/文), Burckhardt B.C.(著/文), Burckhardt G.(著/文), Campo Christina(著/文), Eckert J.(著/文), Erdmann R.(著/文), Exon John H.(著/文), Fischer Gabriele(著/文), Fleischmann B.(著/文), Fleischmann B(著/文), Fluck M.(著/文), Galanski Michael(著/文), Gorboulev V.(著/文), Greger Rainer(著/文), Grunicke H.(著/文), Grunicke Hans(著/文), Gudermann T.(著/文), Gudermann T(著/文), Gudermann Thomas(著/文), Gunst S.J.(著/文), Hartung T(著/文), Haucke V.(著/文), Hebert S C(著/文), Hebert S.C.(著/文), Hogg R.(著/文), Holtje M.(著/文), Hoppeler H.(著/文), Jahn R.(著/文), Jahn R(著/文), Jahn Reinhard(著/文), Jakupec M.A.(著/文), Just Ingo(著/文), Keppler B.K.(著/文), Kinne R.K.H.(著/文), Kinne-Safran E.(著/文), Kloetzel P.-M.(著/文), Koch H.G.(著/文), Koepsell H.(著/文), Krauss M.(著/文), Kruger E.(著/文), Kuckelkorn U.(著/文), Kurtz Albert K.(著/文), Lederer W.J.(著/文), Lederer William J(著/文), Lill R.(著/文), Lill Roland(著/文), Ludwig A(著/文), Ludwig B.(著/文), Maouyo Djikolngaar(著/文), Mason Amanda(著/文), Mayer Matthias(著/文), Miyajima A..(著/文), Morgan K.G.(著/文), Moser M.(著/文), Muller M.(著/文), Murer H.(著/文), Offermanns Stefan(著/文), Olsen H.(著/文), Olsen Olav(著/文), Pahner I.(著/文), Petersen Ole H.(著/文), Pfanner N.(著/文), Raggenbass M.(著/文), Richter O.(著/文), Schmitt B.(著/文), Schultz G.(著/文), Schultz G(著/文), Schweda F.(著/文), Sijts A.(著/文), Springer-Verlag(著/文), Tinel H.(著/文), Unfried Peter(著/文), Wegele H(著/文), Wehner F.(著/文), Welling Paul(著/文), Wier W.G.(著/文), Winter S.(著/文), Yoo Dana(著/文), etc.(著/文), Nilius Bernd(著/文)
ISBN 978-3-540-08748-9  
発行 Springer
奥付の初版発行年月 1974
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2019年5月17日

AMS studies in the Renaissance

Anderson, Donald K.(著/文), Bergeron, David Moore(著/文), Champion, Larry S.(著/文), Dessen, Alan C.(著/文), Freer, Coburn(著/文), Greenfield, Thelma N.(著/文), Hamilton, Sharon J.(著/文), Stavig, Mark(著/文), Waith, Eugene M.(著/文), Fehrenbach, R. J.(著/文), Hopp, Glenn(著/文), Ide, Richard S.(著/文), Heilman, Robert B.(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-404-62287-9   xiv, 298 .頁
発行 AMS Press
奥付の初版発行年月 c1986-01
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2017年5月8日

Erasmus, Desiderius(著/文), Steenbeek, Andrea W.(著/文), Augustijn Cornelis(著/文), Bartelink G.J.M.(著/文), Bene C.(著/文), Bierlaire F.(著/文), Branca Vittore(著/文), Brown A. J.(著/文), Brown Andrew J.(著/文), Chomarat J.(著/文), Cytowska M.(著/文), De Jonge H J.(著/文), Domanski J(著/文), Dresden S.(著/文), Erasmus B.J.B.(著/文), Godin A.(著/文), Heesakkers C.L.(著/文), Heiniman Felix(著/文), Heinimann F.?(著/文), Heinimann F.(著/文), Hoven R.(著/文), Hovingh P F(著/文), Kearns E.(著/文), Kienzle Emanuel(著/文), Knott B.I.(著/文), Margolin Jean-Claude(著/文), McConica J.K.(著/文), McCormack Tim (university of Melbourne Australia University of Melbourne Australia)(著/文), Menchi S. Seidel(著/文), Mout M.E.H.N.(著/文), Phillips M. Mann(著/文), Poel M.G.M. van der(著/文), Poll-van de Lisdonk M.L. van(著/文), ROBINSON C(著/文), Rabbie Edwin(著/文), Rademaker C. S. M.(著/文), Rummel Erika(著/文), Simpson Gerry (London School of Economics and Political Science Kenneth Bailey Chair of International Law University of Melbourne Kenneth Bailey Chair of International Law University of Melbourne Kenneth Bailey Chair of International Law University of Melbourne)(著/文), Steenbeek A.W.(著/文), Stupperich R.(著/文), Tanaka Yuki(著/文), Trapman J(著/文), Van Heck A(著/文), Waszink J.H.(著/文), Weiler A.G.(著/文), Wesseling A.(著/文), etc.(著/文), ter Meer Tineke L.(著/文), van Poll-Van de Lisdonk M.(著/文), Akkerman F.(著/文)
ISBN 978-0--72046151-0   v.頁
発行 North-Holland
奥付の初版発行年月 1969-
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年10月21日

Brill's new Pauly

Bruss, Jon Steffen(著/文), Buck, Simon(著/文), Cancik, Hubert(著/文), Chronopoulos, Tina(著/文), Derlien, Jochen(著/文), Egger, B.(著/文), Möller, Astrid(著/文), Orton, David E.(著/文), Ruppel, Antonia(著/文), Salazar, Christine F.(著/文), Schneider, Helmuth(著/文), Smart, Duncan(著/文), Warburton, David(著/文), Alexander Duncan(著/文), Cancik Hubert (Professor of Latin University of Tubingen Germany)(著/文), Egger Brigitte(著/文), Landfester Manfred (Professor of Greek University of Gieben)(著/文), Landfester Manfred (Professor of Greek University of Giessen Germany)(著/文), Moller Astrid(著/文), Salazar Christine F. (Affiliated Research Scholar University of Cambridge)(著/文), Schneider H.(著/文), Schneider Helmuth (Professor of Ancient History University of Kassel Germany)(著/文), Bachmann Cordula(著/文)
ISBN 978-9-00-412259-8   v.頁
発行 Brill
奥付の初版発行年月 2002-
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年6月13日

Series on issues in second language research

Andersen, Elaine S.(著/文), Krashen, Stephen D(著/文), Scarcella, Robin C(著/文)
ISBN 978-0-06-632530-9   xvii, 356 .頁
発行 Newbury House
奥付の初版発行年月 c1990-01
書店発売日 未定/不明
登録日 2016年3月30日

15件中 1~15件を表示