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The International Criminal Court : the making of the Rome Statute : issues, negotiations, results
- 初版年月日
- c1999-01
- 登録日
- 2016年5月17日
- 最終更新日
- 2016年5月17日
The Rome Statute creating a permanent international criminal court was adopted on 17 July 1998 at the United Nations Conference in Rome. This publication is a collective work by a group of persons closely associated with the actual making of the Rome Statute. It covers the substantive and procedural issues raised during the preparatory stages as well as the Conference. These active participants in the Conference provide an account of the main contentions on each of the key issues, the divergent approaches put forward by the principal proponents, how differences were resolved, how groups of articles were prepared, and how the final text as a whole was assembled. All the authors served certain key functions during the Conference, most of them chaired or co-ordinated the work of a committee, a working group or a negotiating body, all of which together produced the Statute. Their professional acount of the work of the Conference makes this publication a resource for any States contemplating ratification and preparing national implementation legislation. This book gives the insiders' reportage of the negotiations that culminated in this momentous Statute.
Foreword. Preface
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Acknowledgements. List of Contributors. Key Terms and References. Introduction: The Rome Conference and its Contributions to International Law
R.S. Lee. One: The Principle of Complementarity
J.T. Holmes. Two: Crimes Within the Jurisdiction of the Court
H. von Hebel, D. Robinson. Three: Jurisdiction of the Court
E. Wilmshurst. Four: The International Criminal Court and the Security Council
L. Yee. Five: Composition and Administration of the Court
M.R. Rwelamira. Six: The Role of the International Prosecutor
S.A. Fernandez de Gurmendi. Seven: International Criminal Law Principles
P. Saland. Eight: International Criminal Law Procedures: I. The Process of Negotiations
S.A. Fernandeze de Gurmendi. II. Investigation and Prosecution
F. Guariglia. III. The Trial Proceedings
H.-J. Behrens. IV. Rights of Persons Suspected or Accused of a Crime
H. Friman. V. Reparation to Victims
C. Muttukumaru. VI. Protection of National Security Information
D.K. Piragoff. VII. Appeal and Revision
H. Brady, M. Jennings. Nine: International Cooperation and Judicial Assistance
P. Mochochoko. Ten: Penalties
R.E. Fife. Eleven: Establishing an Enforcement Regime
T.P. Chimimba. Twelve: Gender Issues
C. Steains. Thirteen: Participation of Non-Governmental Organizations
W. Pace, M. Thieroff. Fourteen: Financing of the Court, Assembly of States Parties and the Preparatory Commission
S. Rama Rao. Fifteen: Preamble and Final Clauses
T. Neroni Slade, R.S. Clark. Sixteen: The development of the Rome Statute
P. Kirsch, QC. Seventeen: The International Criminal Court: A Perspective
A. Bos. Epilogue: Looking to the Future
G. Conso. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Resolution of the Conference. Views and Comments by Governments. Subject Index.